Wellbeing and Gardening

Wellbeing and Gardening

Wellbeing and Gardening

“At my old place,” reminisced Bill, “I used to have a beautiful garden. I grew things in tractor or truck tyres.”

Bill wanted a garden again but didn’t think it was possible because he could no longer bend down. He spoke with his Home Care Package coordinator, Tammy. Tammy saw an opportunity to empower Bill and assist him to stay connected with gardening.

She worked with Bill to create waist-high raised garden beds, shaded areas, and an outdoor shelter for propagation. Bill said his new garden has transformed his daily life. “I’m in the garden every day. It keeps me fit; my aches and pains go away. I can focus on the garden and nothing else matters.”

There is energy in his voice when Bill speaks about the growth in his garden, “I have a good variety of crops and grow more than I need.” Bill shares his fresh produce with neighbours and friends. He finds it satisfying to see their enjoyment in the food he’s grown.

Tammy said working with Bill and finding ways to support his wellbeing through gardening has been rewarding, “His smiles speak volumes, and his enthusiasm is inspirational.” 

How Deni supports our clients

How Deni supports our clients

How Deni supports our clients

As a kid, Deni used to love playing in the garden. She turned her passion for gardening and nature into a career in the nursery industry, where she worked for 18 years. Deni joined the aged care sector two years ago and is happy she’s found work that combines her experience in gardening with her enjoyment of helping people.

Deni supports Country Home Services clients across the Yorke Peninsula. She sees her role as empowering clients to stay independent, “It’s their home and their garden. I’m there to help, not tell them what to do.” Deni’s client Doug said, “I am so grateful to her for helping with my motivation to do the things that will keep me living in a place I love for longer.”

Deni has observed the relationship between a client and contractor is not a one-way street, “I gain knowledge from clients. They give me tips about gardening and about life. It’s a sharing relationship.” Doug agreed, “Deni has integrity, works hard, and is great to talk with. It makes me feel proud to show her my latest efforts.”

Deni encourages anyone who is thinking about working in the care and support sector to give it a go. “It’s rewarding, my clients are interesting, and I learn a lot from them.”

If you are interested in contracting with us or finding our more information about contracting, then give us a call on 1300 773 202.

You are never too old to start a new career

You are never too old to start a new career

You are never too old to start a new career.

Meet Lee.

Lee is one of our newest contractors and at 62, she has discovered a new career in delivery services to our clients.

Lee had spent the last 21 years working in the hardware industry – a role that often included training staff which she enjoyed. After seeing our ad for new contractors, she decided that a change in employment at this point in her life would be a positive step.

Change isn’t easy for so many of us, but after caring for her elderly father for 10 years, she felt that she could really help our clients in this new role. Still, it took a bit to get used to but Lee shared this with us.

The day I walked into the Country Home Services office, I could feel a positive atmosphere straight away. It’s been quite refreshing to be able to work for an organization and have such good communication and I really appreciate the way I was welcomed. I respect people and I expect the same, and it’s lovely to have this at Country Home Services.”

She also shared this via email—

Hi! Just emailing each person that I have met so far in my new role – to thank each of you for all of the support that you have extended to me in recent weeks! Sara, Trudy, Shona, Tammy, Denise, and Heather. I really appreciate it! I acknowledge that I am new and that I will make errors and have new things to learn – discover. Please know that I am willing to learn and I have been seeking an environment that provides a positive experience working with beautiful people!  I think that I have found this. I’m sure with patience and encouragement I will enjoy this role! Lee

We are just as glad to have found Lee and her clients have already taken to her. Lee provides social support activities such as going on a slow walk with one client each week and spending time with another client, who has Parkinson’s, while their wife has some respite.

So if you are looking for a career change, even later in life then consider contracting with us.