How our grants benefit more than just one club

The RSL Club in Yorketown is very much the heart of the community.

Like most RSL clubs, the membership over the years has become small. To survive and continue their service to the community of Yorketown, the club has opened its doors to the local football and cricket clubs.

Joining forces has not only given more life the RSL Hall, it has also helped the sporting clubs survive as the costs involved in keeping them operational keep increasing. Combining the sporting clubs with the RSL Club has benefited the community greatly.

The RSL Hall has become a hub, providing space for other community groups, – such as an exercise group for older members of the community. It is an important part of the community, enabling people of all generations to commemorate important RSL activities such as the ANZAC Day breakfast and Remembrance Day.

So how did our grant help them?

We were more than happy to supply the club with a grant to purchase hand driers for the building. This will replace the large cost of paper towels normally used in their bathrooms. Just think about how much they would go through during the football season!

This is how our grants help our communities. At times they may have a simple everyday purpose, however, as shown above, they can make quite an impact.

Our small grants program is designed to support community groups to do what they do best – provide a safe and social place for older people to connect and contribute.

If you’re interested in learning more, we would love to chat with you.