Meet Gaynor
One of our many caring and passionate workers

We are so fortunate to have so many caring workers that are passionate about supporting our clients, and our contractor Gaynor is definitely one of them.
Gaynor has always been happy to help people. She has been a teacher, a childcare worker, and a devoted mum. Gaynor has been contracting for us for about 12 months now, initially working for another contractor but now she has decided to contract by herself, and she really enjoys her role in this area.
Living in Kapunda, she looks after some local clients and also comes down to the Barossa area. She provides Social Support and Domestic Assistance Services and commented that she is “Happy to help them with what they would like me to do, and how they would like me to do it.” This is valuable to our clients who know how they like to have their homes cleaned.
Gaynor also mentioned “I have a professional and personal rapport with the clients I work with. I have always admired people of mature age and I love listening to all their experiences in life as well as their challenges. On the flip side, most are also interested in me as a person which is fulfilling.
I feel country people have a different outlook in many ways and I can relate to this as I am from a farming family.”
“I don’t work for the clients, I work with the clients and I am a strong believer in keeping people as independent as they can be in their own homes. They have chosen this service for themselves and at any time due to medical, social, place of residency etc., they may choose differently, and I understand that as well.”
Gaynor shared with us that she loves contracting with us, not only because she loves caring for her clients but also because of the flexibility it provides. She is able to choose when and what days she works and has the free time she needs for those important appointments.