How Deni supports our clients

As a kid, Deni used to love playing in the garden. She turned her passion for gardening and nature into a career in the nursery industry, where she worked for 18 years. Deni joined the aged care sector two years ago and is happy she’s found work that combines her experience in gardening with her enjoyment of helping people.

Deni supports Country Home Services clients across the Yorke Peninsula. She sees her role as empowering clients to stay independent, “It’s their home and their garden. I’m there to help, not tell them what to do.” Deni’s client Doug said, “I am so grateful to her for helping with my motivation to do the things that will keep me living in a place I love for longer.”

Deni has observed the relationship between a client and contractor is not a one-way street, “I gain knowledge from clients. They give me tips about gardening and about life. It’s a sharing relationship.” Doug agreed, “Deni has integrity, works hard, and is great to talk with. It makes me feel proud to show her my latest efforts.”

Deni encourages anyone who is thinking about working in the care and support sector to give it a go. “It’s rewarding, my clients are interesting, and I learn a lot from them.”

If you are interested in contracting with us or finding our more information about contracting, then give us a call on 1300 773 202.